What is Art Date?

Photograph of Aimee and Damien Gallagher on an Art Date
Photograph of Aimee and Damien Gallagher on an Art Date

Artist Aimee Gallagher and her husband Damien get together every other week for an ‘Art Date’ — dedicated time to create art and support each other in developing a professional art career.

Aimee is a painter, illustrator and writer and had built a career as a professional artist and writer before hitting pause to have children. Now they’re both at school, she’s trying to rebuild that career. But it's easier said than done — where to start and how to do it amidst the chaos of two young children who can be, let’s say, quite a challenge?

Damien studied sculpture at Winchester School of Art and tried the whole struggling artist thing in his early twenties before realising he was a much better web designer. But he’s never lost the yearning for making meaningful art and has always had an endless stream of side projects on the go. Long term, Damien plans to transition from being a designer to artist and is actively striving to build up the skills to make that happen.

In this podcast, Aimee and Damien dedicate time to talk about life, career, art and parenthood whilst working towards an artistic collaboration. Follow their progress throughout the season to the culmination of a collaborative piece of work.

Photograph of Damien Gallagher working on some printing experiments
Photograph of Damien Gallagher working on some printing experiments